The Manöverschluck crew
We are JJ Manöverschluck. Together we create delicious spirits from sailors for sailors that bring a maritime flair to your (board) bar. For us, the taste and design of our products and the satisfaction of our customers have the highest priority. We look forward to you joining us on our trip!

Jens learned to sail on the Alster lake in Hamburg but prefers to sail in the Mediterranean when the sun is shining. Favorite sailing area: Arcipelago di La Maddalena, Sardinia, Italy

David served as a naval officer and gained his first sailing experience on the SSS "Gorch Fock", the sailing school shop of the German navy. As a former sailing instructor, wind and weather cannot harm him. Favorite sailing area: Danish South Seas

Caitlin has lived on a boat for many months and was part of an Arctic expedition preparation. Favorite sailing area: Saronic Islands, Greece
The idea for JJs Manöverschluck
David and Jens, the two founders of JJs Manöverschluck, meet frequently to sail on the Hamburg Alster. Of course, there was a rum for the Manöverschluck on hand. In the evening at sunset they talked about the fact that the classic rum is often too heavy and there should be something fresh and delicious. That's how the idea for JJ's Maneuverschluck was born: spirits from sailors for sailors.
Our contribution to clean seas
As sailors, we enjoy the relaxation at sea that nature gives us. We see that the seas are getting more and more polluted. That's why we donate 50 cents to the organization "The Ocean Cleanup" for every bottle of JJ's maneuver swallow sold, which works to keep the oceans clean.
In recognition of our commitment, we received the " Global Green Award ".